A Ghanaian lady probably between the ages of 20 and 25 years old has revealed how she wanted to test her boyfriend and see if he truly loves her but it ended in tears. Speaking in the video, the young lady said that she was dating a guy in SHS, and she wanted to be sure if the guy truly loves her. As a result of this, she just stood up one day and told her boyfriend that they should end their relationship.
The guy asked her whether the breakup is for short-term or permanent and she told him that it is a permanent breakup. According to the lady, she was expecting that the guy will go down on his knees and begged her but it didn’t happen. She was also expecting that the guy will ask her the reason why they should break up but he didn’t do that.
So she concluded that the guy didn’t really love her. If he truly loves her, he would have begged her and done something to show that he is madly in love with her. Some men on social media after coming across this video said that what the lady did is childish. Not all guys begged for love.
Some of them do not have time for argument at all. How can you stand up one day and say that you want to test your partner?
You can also watch the video through the link below:
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