Your skin is the largest organ that you have, so you want to take care of it. Glowing skin is typically seen as a sign of health and vitality. Dull or dry skin, on the other hand, can make you feel less than your best.
1. Honey (Skin Type – Oily, Acne-Prone & Combination)
Honey is a great moisturizer and helps to keep the skin well-hydrated. Honey’s anti-bacterial properties help to ward off infections and also reduce blemishes and acne at home. Honey ensures spotless skin. It is rich in bleaching properties and helps in fading of the pigmentation and scars.
How To Use Honey for your Skin?
You can directly apply honey on your face and neck area but ensure that your skin is clean and damp. Massage for a few minutes, allowing it to get absorbed by the skin. Now, wash off with lukewarm water.
2. Olive Oil (Skin Type- Dry)
Olive oil acts as an antioxidant for the skin. It helps in preventing early ageing of the skin. Putting olive oil on the skin after exposure to the sun is known to fight cancer-causing cells. Olive oil is known to repair skin damage. It’s not only great for the skin but also gives it a nice shiny glow.
How To Use Olive Oil for your Skin
Every night before hitting the bed, take a few drops of olive oil and apply them all over your face and neck. Massage in an upward direction for about two to three minutes. Now, dip a towel in warm water, squeeze off the excess water and place it on your face and neck for about a minute. Dip the towel again in warm water and use it to gently wipe off the excess oil on the face and neck. Now, with another clean towel dry off the face and neck area.
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