Gradually Sammy Gyamfi and Dennis Miracles Aboagye are becoming the most fancied pair of communicators for the 2 political parties in the country. Sammy Gyamfi, the National Communications Officer of the opposition National Democratic Congress is touted as one of the best when it comes to debates on national issues. Miracles has also risen and is becoming the toast of many NPP supporters. Dennis is the Director at the Presidency in charge of Local Government, Decentralization and Rural Development.
Last week Sammy and Dennis clashed at Asempa FM and this received many reactions from Ghanaians. Today, Saturday, August 13, 2022 on TV3’s The Keypoints, the two clashed again. According to Sammy Gyamfi, one of Ghana’s biggest problems is high importation. He bemoaned why several products are imported when local industries and farmers can be encouraged to produce those commodities.
This point was rebutted by Dennis who maintained that the economy is import driven and this started years ago and difficult to change. He mentioned a number of products Ghana imports with sugar alone contributing to a large chunk. Ghana imports over $90 million of sugar from Brazil alone. As Dennis mentioned the products imported, Sammy Gyamfi questioned why Ghana is importing sugar when Mahama had inaugurated the Komenda Sugar Factory.
Sammy explained that before John Mahama left office he had put in place 90% of things needed for the factory and yet the Akufo-Addo government failed to complete it. Dennis interrupted and said that the all the sugar needed cannot be produced by the KSF. He added that the factory will be opened in 10 days and it will cut down Ghana’s importation of sugar.
Sammy however wasn’t satisfied and questioned why President Akufo-Addo has failed in opening the Komenda Sugar Factory since 2017. This caused a banter between the two as to what had stalled the factory from producing sugar for the country. It took Alfred Ocansey the host to calm the two communicators down.
It will be interesting to see if the factory will start production in 10 days as Dennis said. Already the factory has failed to meet a number of deadlines. The factory when opened will provide employment for many and cut down Ghana’s reliance on sugar imports.
Content created and supplied by: Still_Unbeatable (via Opera
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