The recent circulating news that has caused massive stir, debate, and arguments across all social media platforms was the untimely death of the Head of Ambulance Service at Adansi South.
According to recent reports cited by, the Head of ambulance service at Adansi south, Mr. Famous committed suicide by hanging.
In addition to this, Mr. Famous left a note that revealed that, he had spent on a lady he planned to marry but the mother of the lady prevented him from marrying her.
Below is a look at some of the comments that came through as individuals expressed their immense disappointment aside sharing their thoughts and concerns over the heartbreaking news.
Do you think it was right for the mother of the lady to reject t proposal of the head of the ambulance service at Adansi South, Mr. Famius hence causing his untimely death that has broken the hearts of most Ghanaians even though some individuals claimed otherwise?
Do you think it was lawful for the Head of Ambulance service at Adansi South, Mr. Famous to unexpectedly kill himself over a woman even though most individuals claimed otherwise?
What are your thoughts after the Head of Ambulance service at Adansi South, Mr. Famous unexpectedly committed suicide after he was rejected by the mother of a woman he loved has caused massive reactions online even though most individuals agreed otherwise?
Content created and supplied by: DBright (via Opera
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