We can alter black and dry lip to pink and baby soft by home remedy without any side effects. Here are some valuable beauty tips for all of you. You can get a legitimate reaction within 15 minutes. There are some women, they have lips tiny and can’t be seen as much. So this article will help to change to bubbly pink lips and will be quite cute.
Why do lips change to dry and black?
Failing to consume a proper amount of water (hydration) Water plays an important role in human health as well as human beauty even though it is essential for human life. Water is the main cause for keeping a person beautiful and attractive. When one fails to drink the right amount of water it will make the lips dry therefore the lips become black.
Using Substandard lipstick and allergic.
There are several brands available in the market. Some are cheap and some are an unknown brand. Please don’t move to such products because we will have to face many health issues due to the chemical. Always go for a branded product. It will protect your health and beauty even costly.
Smoking cigarette
Smoking directly burns the skin of lips so these burns cause scars. Blackspot will remain after healing sore.
Excessive caffeine
Coffee and tea are commonly known as caffeine beverages which boost energy. However, excess caffeine will cause digestive issues. Limit your caffeine beverage to get the right response and to avoid digestive issues.
Lip suck
Lip sucking mainly lead to lip sore which are dark spots left behind after the sore has healed.
NOTE: Treatment for smoking: Quitting it is the only solution to allow to heal lip sore properly. After that, try the following remedy
Ingredients: 2 Tablespoons ground sugar powder. A small amount of turmeric powder. Half piece of lemon. Small piece of beetroot. One teaspoon raw honey. Butter or coconut oil
How to prepare the lip balm remedy:
First step: Grind the sugar well utilizing a blender or grinder until turning into the powder to try not to harm lip skin. Add a little amount of turmeric powder with sugar powder and blend them well. Add one drop of lemon juice with them and again mix well. Apply this amazing mixture to your lips and massage mildly for two minutes. Apply more this mixture and massage for a more darkening place on your lips. Now take the lemon peel and dip it in the sugar mixture and again massage for a minute by the lemon peel.
Second step: Grind or peel the beetroot and make juice without adding water not even one drop of water. Make sure the fresh beetroot juice without adding water. Take two teaspoons of beetroot juice. Add and mix one teaspoon of raw honey with beetroot juice. The more you massage, the softer & smoother and little bigger lips it will become. Let it dry for a couple of minutes. After that wash it in normal water or wipe it. Now, apply coconut oil or butter to your lips.
Try these tips and enjoy this organic natural pink within just 15 minutes.
Content created and supplied by: ghananewstoday (via Opera
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