A mother has pranked her little children and many people after coming across this video said that what she did is not good at all. One cannot tell her reason for doing this to her little kids but some people believe it is the punishment for not going to bed on time. These are children between the ages of 2 and 5 years.
The mother displayed a Satanic hologram in these children’s room. She went into the room with these kids, leave them there and locked the door with this Satanic hologram chasing her children in the room. The mother was overheard in the video laughing at her children behind the door as her little children are shouting and crying for help. Their facial expression shows that they were really scared.
Some social media users after coming across this video said that what their mother did is not funny at all. She should know that these are little kids and they have their levels of fear. Others said what the woman did is inhuman and unnecessary.
Check out some of the reactions from some Ghanaians below:
You can also watch the video through the link below:
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