President Akufo-Addo is currently touring parts of the Northern Region. His visit has seen him observe certain government projects as well as commissioning some. Yesterday he granted an interview to Radio North Star where he expressed his firm belief that the nation will pick up the pieces and work again. Yesterday the President paid a courtesy call on the Ya-Naa as well as ongoing works at the Yendi Sports Stadium.
Interestingly, the President also took time to see to some projects related to Agenda 111. This project has come under so much criticism with many calling on the President to suspend the project and work on critical issues bothering the country. The President’s Facebook page was updated today, Tuesday, August 9, 2022 with happening of the President yesterday.
Interesting the one who made the post made some grammatical error. There was a mistake in the spelling of Yendi as well as the spelling of Inspected. It is uncertain if there was no proof reading done before the post was made. It is obvious the President doesn’t personally handle his Facebook account. Check out some of the reactions to the grammatical errors and the president’s visit in general.
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