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Vital Things To Do In Your Early 20s Before You Regret in Your Thirties And Above

This particular write-up lay emphasis on things or better still mistakes to avoid in your early 20s before you regret in your thirties and above.

Do not procrastinate. If you postpone the things that you should be doing on early 20’s to late 30’s then you can’t possibly bring back the wasted time. Do the right things at the right time, and the situation will rightly favour you. If you have to force it then maybe you need to let it go. Relationship, friendship and love. Never chase after love, affection or attention. If its meant to happen, then it will come across your path.

Learn to groom yourself and dress up well. Once you hit your 30’s and 40’s your entire outlook will vary greatly. Knowing how to handle ageing is a great plus point.

Chase your dreams and ambitions. Whatever that might be, achieve before them you hit the threshold and give up for nothing. Chase it on your 20’s if possible. At that age, your willpower, mental capacity, drive to succeed will be strong.

Never gossip or badmouth anyone. Again, another way to invest time into nothingness. What will you gain by bringing down someone’s image? Learn not to degrade anyone even if you are at the receiving end of it.

Explore opportunities. Grab the few chances. Be a risk taker. You might not know what life throws us at unexpected moment. Why not make full use of it?

Realize that money is not everything. Set the mentality first. Stop chasing after money and start chasing behind success instead. The rest will follow suit. Money is important but your self worth is more important than that.

Discover your identity. Who are you? What do you want to do in your life for the next 50 years? What’s the purpose of your existence? Answer all these questions and follow the path it leads you to.

Never take up any career choice to satisfy your parents or by following your peers. Trust me, that’s the worst kind of screw up that you could do in your life. Take up the course because you have an interest in it. Period. It is not possible to rewind back time and undo your mistakes. Learn from the mistakes of others, for you cannot afford to make them all on your own in a single life time.

Learn to be outgoing, fun and positive minded. Meet people outside your social comfort zone and listen to them. Put yourself out there and have as many experience as possible. That’s how you learn the world and develop better social skills.

Don’t do late night partying and excessive visiting to the clubs/pubs. Once in a while is fine. But if you do it nearly daily, then you heading towards the wrong path. You might end up being broke by 30.

Don’t hurt anyone with your words or actions. Try to be kind and think before you speak. Hurtful words could never be taken back. Besides, take friendships seriously. Be a good friend for someone. Make sacrifices; help them out when they are in need. Trust them and be with them during their bad phases. Build a strong base of friendship at this age.

Learn from past mistakes. There is no harm in screwing up once a while but try to learn from it. A man who forgets his past are condemned to repeat it.

Content created and supplied by: Sharonnewsgh (via Opera
News )

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