Today’s write-up put emphasis on lessons one must learn in your twenties before reaching your 30s, 40s, and 50s.
You don’t have to be born smart to make it in life. Learn to differentiate between assets and liabilities and how to avoid accumulating liabilities. If you don’t, you’ll still be spending your money on worthless liabilities in your 30s, 40s, and 50s.
Take care of yourself when you’re still in your 20s. A time will come when you can’t stretch yourself without feeling pain. Make sure you eat well and eat healthy food to avoid getting an irreversibly shapeless body when you’re in your 30s, 40s, and 50s.
Don’t waste your time trying to look like the celebrities. Most celebrities are struggling to be happy because they lost their own identity chasing money and fame. Find and maintain your own identity and you’ll be happier and proud of yourself.
If you want to be on top of the world, learn a valuable skill that people are begging you for. Learning a valuable skill is an asset in itself. Leverage the Internet to accumulate as much relevant knowledge as possible to cushion yourself against inflation, obsolescence, and irrelevancy.
Whether you’re studying or working in a 9-to-5 job, start a side hustle to generate your own income and move away from depending on your parents/guardians for cash. Nothing can be as fulfilling as buying your independence. This is a sign of maturity, growth, and personal responsibility.
Don’t succumb to cultural pressures and fall into an early marriage trap, by getting into a relationship with someone you don’t love. Legally, nobody is supposed to force you to do anything against your will. Don’t do something you will regret not only in your 30s and 40s, but also for the rest of your life.
Don’t wait to fall in love until you’re in your 30s or 40s, or until you’re bored with life. Falling in love feels better when you’re younger, and energetic, and the blood is still boiling. If you wait too long, falling in love will taste like food without salt.
Having fun may seem like a trivial issue, but scientists tell us that it reduces stress, enhances the growth hormone, and actually prolongs life. Surprisingly, the earlier you surrender to fun, the more you increase your probability to live longer.
Don’t put yourself at risk by overindulging in illicit sex, smoking, liquor and drug abuse, which may deplete your sex hormones slowly. That’s sad news for teenagers who enjoy these vices in their twenties, only to realize that they can’t have ‘normal babies’ in their 30s and 40s.
Relationships can be confusing in your 20s, 30s and 40s. Friendship circles also change when you leave school, join college, change jobs or careers, or get married. You don’t have to pull along your childhood friends into your adult life, for most of them have already forgotten about you and moved on.
How you treat people, especially the elderly in your twenties reflects how you would like to be treated by the younger generation when you’re in your 30s, 40s and even beyond your 50s.
It’s not your fault that you were born ugly, beautiful or handsome. You’re just as ugly, beautiful or handsome as you think. More importantly, people see you just as you see yourself.
Your adult life starts in your mid-twenties. Choices you make at this age will not only have an impact in your teen years, but will also cascade into your 30s, 40s and even beyond your 50s.
The important thing is to take personal responsibility for your actions, mistakes, and the choices you make in your twenties. When you’re in your 30s, 40s and even beyond your 50s, it will be extremely difficult to alter your habits.
Content created and supplied by: Sharonnewsgh (via Opera
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