There is no single definition of success because it can mean different things to different people. To me, success appears to be inextricably linked to our sense of fulfillment. We can feel deeply fulfilled even if we haven’t achieved huge financial or career success.
More than anything, I believe that success is determined by how much we believe in ourselves. Often, a lack of confidence prevents us from pursuing our heart’s desires.
Working with crystals can help us find the confidence and motivation we need to make our dreams a reality. You can use crystals in a variety of ways, wearing them as jewelry, carrying them in your pocket or purse, tucking them beneath your bra, or creating your own crystal healing grid. I’ll also share a simple ritual you can try below.
Here is an intuitive selection of three crystals to assist you in achieving and attracting success.
1. Fire Agate Crystal– Best for boosting strength and willpower
Fire Agate is a crystal of passion and joy that provides us with uplifting energy to help us achieve our goals. Working with a Fire Agate gives us the courage to pursue our dreams and overcome any obstacles that stand in our way.
This crystal’s fiery energy encourages us to stand out from the crowd and proudly display our unique gifts to the world. Simultaneously, its potent protective properties keep us safe from energy vampires and the negativity of those around us.
2. Ruby Fuchsite Crystals – Best for self-love and inner balance
Ruby Fuchsite teaches us to make our own decisions and not be distracted by the paths that others take. Trying to imitate or compare ourselves to others disconnects us from our true nature and prevents us from expressing our unique gifts and talents.
Ruby Fuchsite is a powerful and effective Heart Chakra crystal that helps us love ourselves and release any limiting beliefs that may be preventing us from succeeding.
Working with a Ruby Fuchsite serves as a gentle reminder to prioritize our emotional health in order to prevent burnout from excessive work and self-giving. This stunning crystal helps us establish healthy boundaries with others and learn to guard against letting anyone sap our energy and zest for living.
3. Sunstone Crystals– Best for increasing self-worth and confidence
Even if we don’t have the support of our loved ones, Sunstone encourages us to have faith in our own skills and talents. This crystal inspires us to act as our own motivators.
Working with a Sunstone gives us hope and motivates us to take action in the direction of success. This crystal’s vibrant energy gives us the impression that anything is possible.
A simple crystal ritual for self-empowerment and attracting success:
Think the personality traits you believe are preventing you from succeeding. Low self-esteem, self-doubt, or the desire to influence how events turn out could all be examples of these. On a small piece of paper, jot them down. Write the traits you want to have in their place on a different piece of paper (courage, self-confidence, willpower, etc.).
After that, find a quiet place to sit. Choose one of the three crystals listed above and hold it in your hands. By focusing on your breath, you can clear your mind of all the clutter. Feel the crystal’s energy permeate your entire body.
Now, ask the crystal to assist you in releasing those personality traits that you believe are holding you back and transforming them into the qualities you desire in their place.
Finally, transform the paper by ripping it up and scattering it in the wind, letting it burn, or burying it in the earth.
Feel free to repeat aloud or quietly in your mind the mantra I have channeled for you: I believe in myself and worry less. I am well on my way to success.
Content created and supplied by: Bronzeman (via Opera
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