Our words are very powerful. Words spoken can not be taken back. The words you speak define who you are and can also determine the way others perceive you to be. Some of our celebrities have taken advantage of their celebrity status to speak anyhow. Some of them think their words are final and nobody can do anything to them. Mary Remmy Njoku is one of the finest actresses and producers Nigeria has produced. She has acted so many countless movies and won so many awards in the process. She is behind some of the most watched shows currently airing on Africa Magic channels on DSTV. I respect and admire her a lot.
Mary Njoku made a statement that made me lose some of the respect I have for her as a person and as a woman. She made a controversial statement that seeks to validate cheating by women. She said that men should not divorce or leave their partners if they find out their children are not theirs via a DNA test. What made me annoyed the most was that she said it could have been a mix-up during childbirth which is strange. That statement made me realise that she was either making the statement from an uninformed position or she was suffering from an emotional issue.
How can someone of her stature be saying something like that? Could it be that she is sort of caught up in a similar situation? What informed such a statement from her? She is no stranger to making controversial statements. She recently made a statement imploring married couples to be open about their relationship and seek pleasure outside the marriage with the consent of each other to prevent cheating.
Such statements from an accomplished personality like her don’t auger well for our society. She should be careful about the kind of statements she puts out there.
Content created and supplied by: Courageous92 (via Opera
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