Yesterday’s Bald, Muscled, Potbellied and Skinny (BMPS) show on Joy Prime was very entertaining. The panelists and the host discussed a topic about what a man look out for in a lady before after a her. The answers from the three panelists and that of the host were enlightening and educative as well.
The host, Kofi Hayford made the topic ” What do you look out for in a lady before going after her?” known to the panelists but the question itself made them laugh about it.
They all provided their perspectives about it but one thing that got them talking about for a while was what men actually like in women.
One of the panelists boldly said that, he used to like women with big backside but his preference keeps changing over time. He added that, men actually like big backside and it is an Inherent trait that men if Africa have. Jayson who happened to be one of the panelists agreed with him by saying that, it is true African me like big backside.
But later in the discussion, they accepted that, what men look out for in a woman is actually different from one person to another.
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