Kofi Koranteng, a hopeful independent candidate for the 2024 General elections, has stated that Ghana has not had a leader after the exit of the Country’s first President, Dr. Kwame Nkrumah.
According to him, Dr. Kwame Nkrumah is the only leader who rolled out visionary measures that ensured progressiveness and continuity by building a foundation strong for succeeding leaders to build upon.
Speaking with Opemsuo Radio’s pro tem morning show host, Kwabena Kyeremateng Addo, the independent candidate said, after the overthrow of Dr. Kwame Nkrumah all the subsequent leaders have failed to follow suit with these principles.
He emphasized that Ghana has got only one major problem and that is leadership. He said the leader who in our case is the president is not putting the appropriate measures in place to make the systems work for the well-being of the Ghanaian citizen.
He indicated that the leader has to surround himself or herself with people with master minds who can help initiate enlightened programs that ensuing leaders can build on to expectation.
Mr. Kofi Koranteng stated that the leader should know his or her responsibilities and set his or her priorities right in order to perform well for the benefit of the citizens. In a situation where the leader fails, the country encounters a big problem.
Mr. Kofi Koranteng stated that it is not in their interest to push the two major political parties, the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and New Patriotic Party (NPP) away or out of the scene but to help in renewing the mindset of the citizens to choose what is good for them.
“It is not our idea to push NDC, NPP away but to apply what we called sound psychology that is, not focusing on the negative but on the positive. Our idea and energy is to get the ideas and thinking of the Ghanaian citizens right. As a matter of fact, the NDC and NPP can keep their pace but the citizens who give power to these parties will disposition and dissociate themselves from them naturally by the virtue of our their association with us”.
Content created and supplied by: GeneralConceptMedia (via Opera
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