The economy today worsens to day in and day out . However, for our poor implementation of our policies and inappropriate use of our mass resources. Nevertheless every government in power had high hopes of making Ghana a resemblance of developed countries.
On the contrary, Celebrities, nurses and doctors, Teachers and drivers have angrily demonstrated against the bad economic conditions of our country . And demand an immediate apology from the government for the country’s state.
Yet, seems our politicians have turned a deaf ear.
On social media, President Akuffo Addo has tweeted demanding a formal apology from European nations ,thus Russia and Ukraine.
He stated, the entire continent of Africa deserves a formal apology after being involved in the slave trade and its crimes and damages has caused to image and character of AfricaNetizens react to President Akuffo Addo demanding an apology .
Candy Merc commented Akuffo Addo owe Ghanaian citizens a formal apology from misusing tax payers money for his family and his government.
Taylor says the president should better shut up if he has nothing better say . Taylor added the president should apologize for destroying the educational system in Ghana with his free SHS.
Sadly tweeted.
Jampa also tweeted the President should see how his country has become. With just 30million population, he has already become a failure.
You can also read other comments as seen above. Nevertheless, what would be your thoughts if the European nations apologizes to the President.
And do ghanaians insist on government rendering an apology ?? Let’s know your thoughts as well on that.
Following Russia’s contribution to Ghana, some Poultry, beef , vegetables are imported into Ghana.
How then can you ask a developed country partaking in the growth of your country to apologize.
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Content created and supplied by: Dorcasp (via Opera
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