Ken Ofori-Attah is currently battling his demons through sickness. Having an organ in his body failing you almost every time or most times comes with some risks that prevents a person from working so hard. Ken Ofori-Attah has been advised to stay away from the finance sector and take good care of himself.
People have even assumed that he is in office against his wish and that he would love to resign but is being pushed around by government. The health of the finance minister intensifies once again and is expected to be flown out of the country for medical attention.
This has raised concerns once again and rekindled the already existent yet dormant perception about why he is in office when he knows he needs all the time in the world to be able to recover.
Is Ken Ofori-Attah genuinely serving his country? Is it out of selfishness or selfishness? Will his continuous hard work especially during these hard times cause him any more damages?
Content created and supplied by: Richisen (via Opera
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