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Stop complaining about back pains and try these home remedies

Back pains do come with some terrible and indescribable experiences. It is as real and physical as any other weakness out there. It can be caused as a result of too much stress, mainly on the lower back. The pain is definitely not something to joke about, as it is termed to be unbearable. 

Nagging about the pain, wouldn’t solve anything. Something has to be done about it. Kindly read on to know how you can use these home remedies to your advantage.

1. Exercise and don’t stay in bed all day:

Yes, you would find it difficult to do so, but being in bed wouldn’t help. You must stretch your body, to help reduce the pain or better still even it. The more you stretch you can focus the pain on all over your body, as you take a deep breath and stretch one last time. If all your attention is focused on the back pain alone, the pain would still be there, psychologically. 

2. The application of heat and ice:

Both heat and ice, can be of help in this situation, depending on the one that works for you. Ice does help when there is swelling of the area, as it helps reduce the pain. Medical news today says “ice packs are beneficial when a person uses them directly after an injury, such as a strain”.  

After trying the above to numb the pain, kindly visit your doctor for review. Thank you for reading. 

Image credit to: Istockphoto and Getty images

Content created and supplied by: Cookhie (via Opera
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