Women are very cunning creatures. It is very hard to tell what a woman is saying just by body image, as it may be deceiving sometimes. You may assume that this is what she is referring to, but unfortunately it is not. Women use this trick of theirs to make men do their biding. Men mostly fall for this because, of the thought of the woman being in their heads.
Trying to win the love of a woman, is a very difficult task. For this very reason, men are willing to do pretty much anything for the woman. Now if the woman does not feel the same way, but wants to benefit from you, then she makes sure to keep you beside.
The few men see it, that they only call or come to you when they need something. Men being kind and all, will help the woman in high hopes. If this happens, then it only means that she is not in the slightest mind interested in you. She just wants to enjoy the benefits you can give to her. It is simple really, when she doesn’t often come to you, and always turns up with some kind of need. It only means she wants to use you. And someone interested in something would absolutely not do that.
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