As the saying goes “it takes more muscles to frown than to smile”, it is really essential to keep a smile on your face. It is known for sure that there are times you will be angry and sad but try to keep a positive face due to the following reasons.
It helps release stress.
Studies show that smiling and laughing help reduce stress and heart rate. Try and fake a smile once a while when you don’t really feel good and see where it takes you.
Improves job performance.
Positive emotions aids in an inrease in productivity while negative emotions does the opposite.
It creates a ripple effect.
It turns out that, smiling does not only benefit one only but also goes a long way to affect others. A practical example is when you stir and smile at someone who is so busy or doing something under pressure. The moment he or she sees your face, there is no reason for that person not to give a smile or even laugh.
Content created and supplied by: harmonyopk (via Opera
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