Joyce Boakye, a Ghanaian actress, and social media influencer, met a spiritualist on her way to a live interview.
The incident occurred after a native doctor revealed to a popular host on Kingdom FM how he could imprison Joyce Boakye in the spiritual realm.
“I will lock her up and she will not be able to walk if she plays with me,” he said. Joyce Boakye was triggered by the native doctor’s statement, and she told the spiritualist to do whatever he wanted to her.
Joyce, a true believer, confronted the spiritualist, telling him that she is more powerful than him and would rather lock him up. Joyce told the spiritualist that if he could imprison her, she would never serve her creator again.
But it appears that the spiritualist claiming to lock someone up couldn’t help but want the public’s attention. The self-proclaimed spiritualist, however, did not reveal his identity to the public.
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Content created and supplied by: NanaAmpaduKhelly (via Opera
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