The conversation about the 2022 mid-year budget review seems to be the main agenda for most television morning shows in Ghana. They invite politicians on their shows for them to give clarity on certain issues.
The member of Parliament for Kwadaso constituency, Honorable Kingsley Nyarko was a guest for Good Morning Ghana show on Metro TV. In the course of his conversation with Randy Abbey, host of the show, Honorable Kingsley Nyarko blamed John Mahama for Ghana’s current inflation rate. He used the figures of 2014 to explain his reason.
The host of the show asked him the reason why he keeps blaming John Mahama for what happened in 2014 and not use his government’s own figures.
“Why are speaking about Ghana’s economy with reference to 2014. In 2017, what was the report on the economy. In 2018, what was the report on the economy. So why would you blame what the economy is in 2022 on events of 2014. I can quote the finance Minister in 2017, 2018 and 2019. Why do you do and blame events of 2014” he asked
Dr. Kingsley Nyarkoh replied him with the statement below;
“I’m going there because Mahama is talking and it shows that he couldn’t hold his own in the emerging economy. If under his rulership, the economy had been stronger than now, then he would have the muscles to talk“
“This is data and our discussions must be based on data. In 2012, there was 9.2% growth rate, in 2013, 7.3%, 2014 was 2.85%, 2015 was 2.12% and 2016 was 2.37%.”
Click here to watch the video(57:00 onwards)
Content created and supplied by: Rexbank (via Opera
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