Blogger Ghanafuo ho Nsem has been told by an unidentified insider that Tracey Boakye is paying for all the pomp and circumstance planned for this wedding because Frank isn’t wealthy.
This comes shortly after it was revealed that the husband-to-be of Tracey Boakye has landed in Ghana to commence the preparation to wed her as his wife.
The blogger shared his findings on his IG page, writing;
“Ive been resistanting the temptation of not making this post but……I know by now most people are still wondering whom Tracy’s husband to be is gonna be. Since most of My friends in Germany already knows it, I can’t keep quiet to it. He is called FRANK BADU NTIMOAH.
A kumawood actor who lives in Bremen/ Hannover. Germany ” If you know, you know” He is the junior brother to “PePe” a movie producer in Germany. (2nd slide in Red Lacost).
Their Mum owns an Afro shop in Bremem (name)…coded..😜 Frank was the reason why Tracy went to Germany with her kids the other time.”
Reacting to the gist, paulinaatadana wrote; ‘Nothing good will ever come from d bola mafia gang daaa😂#alot of innocent tears/karma is on their heads’
@amafarari wrote;
Waa ka waa ka, why hide him? Or is he for someone else anaa? 😂😂. Next will be Asibolanga, she’s also has been travelling of late because of a catch. They are all catching men in Europe. What about the 3rd gang member diamond? Anna mo si her own is in a visa free country.😂