The news of four judges nominated to the supreme court has attracted massive reactions. Many Ghanaians seem to be interested in law matters but are they ready to sacrifice to become lawyers or judges? Do the ordinary Ghanaian know what qualifies a person to become a lawyer or a judge?
In fact, TV3’s Post on the nomination of Judges have received overwhelming response as several socialites have joined the conversation.
Whilst some Ghanaians asked why a small country with 15 Supreme court judges should receive four more supreme court judges to make a total of nineteen.
Is the President required to do public consultation before taking the decision of nominating a supreme court judge? Is it necessary for the Government to embark on a public education that seeks to inform the ordinary people on legal issues? Should nominations of judges be confidential to prevent some Ghanaians from making some comments?
Is it wrong for judges who were promoted two years ago to receive another promotion?
What are your thoughts on the ongoing discussion?
Content created and supplied by: JUKELAFRICA (via Opera
News )