Here are some of the nicest compliments you can give someone if you like her. These remarks are appropriate, and if you truly admire her, she will be genuinely impressed.
1. Your red outfit is gorgeous on you.
2. Your vocabulary is incredibly superb.
3. I appreciated the way you handled the situation especially ours.
4. You have a great writing style.
5. Beautiful shoes. Where did you purchase these from?
6. Your smile is absolutely stunning.
7. Your beauty comes from within.
8. You are the most charming lady I’ve met I my life.
9. Are you possibly any cuter?
10. When I’m with you, I love that I can just be the best version of myself.
11. I trust and admire your self-assurance.
12. I’m so glad our paths converged.
13. Your laugh runs rampant.
14. You have such a knack for solving issues.
15. You have such original ideas.
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