Recently after the story of the late president John Fiifi Attah Mills came viral online, Koku anyidoho has gotten a lot of reactions as people believe he’s shown greater loyalty to his master.
Samuel Koku Sitsofe Anyidoho is a Ghanaian politician who serves as Founder and President of the Atta Mills Institute. He served as Head of Communications under the Presidency of John Atta Mills from 2009 to 2012. He was also Deputy General-Secretary of the National Democratic Congress from 2014 to 2018.
Koku anyidoho has recently shed tears after he shared a picture of the late President Mills’s tomb back then which was supported with stones. It’s so saddened him as a prestigious man of his calibre wasn’t laid well in the hands of an opposition government as he emphasised.
He emphatically stated in a tweet that, This is how the cardboard which covered the grave of President Atta-Mills, used to be mounted with stones. It’s sad as Asomdwehene was laid in this manner.
Content created and supplied by: agyeistep2 (via Opera
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