This year’s med-year budget review isn’t one of the normal ones where governments are always found of making demand for extra money in order to be able to fulfill stated plans and programs slated from the beginning of the year.
The Finance Minister during his presentation noted that government is quite aware of the current economic hardship facing the country and the good people of Ghana. As a result the government is not making demands for extra funds but is committed to working with him the provisions of the budget as stated from the beginning of the year.
Additionally, to help the ordinary Ghanaian in the face of the high cost of living that the country is currently confronted with, government is prepared to introduce enhanced domestic programs to complement the Ghana care as started from the beginning of the year.
Mr Ken Ofori-Atta said government will introduce “enhanced domestics programme to complement the Ghana cares.”
He emphasized that there are various programs underway under the Ghana care program but government is committed to adding more to help the citizens in these trying times.
Content created and supplied by: Tawnews (via Opera
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