Even though bras are part of every woman’s wardrobe, most women still make important mistakes when they wear them. Here are some common mistakes, with suggestions for how to fix them, and how to avoid them.
You’re wearing the wrong cup or brand size, or you’re not wearing the right size.
Many women make the same mistake over and over again: They wear bras that are the wrong size. To buy a bra, you must think about both the band and cup sizes. But the first thing is more important because the wrong band size won’t support or fit your bust right.
If you take accurate measurements, you will know what size to ask for and make sure the bra fits you well.
It either leaves a mark or always comes off.
When bra straps are too tight, they leave marks or indentations on your shoulder. straps are too loose, they can slip off all the time. Always make sure that you adjust the straps so that they are in a natural position to rest on your body.
In some cases, you may need to move one band lower or higher if the bra adjustments don’t work.
You’re not making it very tight.
This is important: Make sure you always fasten your bra by the outermost hook where it is the freest, and not by the innermost or tight hook. People who want to try something on for size will find this very useful.
Experts say that a bra will stretch about 3 inches over its life.
The underwire in your bra isn’t straight.
As soon as you put on this type of bra, you know it is not going to work for you and you need to find a new one that fits better. If you buy a bra, it should fit snugly on your breasts, with no bust tissue or bone pressing against it under the bra.
Content created and supplied by: Gifty2562 (via Opera
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