Here are some ways of protecting the ear.
1. Stop using cotton swabs in your ears
It’s common for people to use cotton swabs to clean wax out of their ear canal, but this is not advisable. A little bit of wax in your ears is not only normal, but it’s also important. The ears are self-cleaning organs, and wax stops dust and other harmful particles from entering the canal. Plus, inserting anything inside your ear canals risks damaging sensitive organs like your ear drum.
2. Use earplugs around loud noises
Clubs, concerts, lawnmowers, chainsaws, and any other noises that force you to shout so the person next to you can hear your voice all create dangerous levels of sound. Earplugs are convenient and easy to obtain. You can even have a pair custom fitted for your ears by your local hearing healthcare provider.
Musicians’ earplugs are custom earplugs with filters that allow a person to hear conversations and music but still reduce harmful sound levels while maintaining the quality of the original sound as closely as possible.
2. Turn the volume down
A billion teenagers and young adults worldwide are at risk for noise-induced hearing loss from unsafe use of audio devices.
If you like to enjoy music through headphones or earbuds, you can protect your ears by following the 60/60 rule. The suggestion is to listen with headphones at no more than 60% volume for no more than 60 minutes a day.
Earbuds are especially dangerous, as they fit directly next to the eardrum. If possible, opt for over-the-ear headphones.
Don’t forget that any loud music, not just music played through headphones, presents a risk for noise-induced hearing loss.
Content created and supplied by: HannahAsiedu01 (via Opera
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