The Former President Professor John Evans Fiifi Atta Mills was a Ghanaian politician, and legal scholar who served as President of Ghana from 2009 until his death on July 24, 2012; at the 37 Military Teaching Hospital in Accra.
Come Sunday, July 24, 2022, will be the 10th anniversary of his death; and to mark the occasion, there will be a wreath-laying ceremony and memorial service at the Asomdwee, Park near the Black Star Square in Accra.
Just about a day to the occasion, the late Atta Mills’s brother has sounded another important notice.
Dr. Cadman Mills; who is a brother to the late President John Evans Atta Mills, has stated, that his family will not attend the 10th anniversary ceremony, of the death of their son, come Sunday, July 24.
According to Dr. Cadman Mills, family is yet to be served an invited to the scheduled anniversary; which is schedule to take place at the Asomdwee Park; and adding that, the family was not even consulted nor involved in the renovation of Professor Atta Mills’ graveyard, and also the planning of his 10th anniversary.
He thus urged all the family members not to attend the program.
Dr. Cadman Mills said this in Cape Coast, on Friday, July 22, during his installation as the new family head -(the Ebusuapanyin and the successor of his brother, the late President Mills), of the Nkuma Kyereba Twidan Family (the maternal family, of the late President Atta Mills).
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