When mothers of the BIG CHEF contestants were invited to the premises of Joynews, little did they know that they were going to weep uncontrollably. For what reason? After storming the premises, they realised that their children were sadly evicted from THE BIG CHEF competition.
THE BIG CHEF reality show was designed by Multimedia’s Joynews and Joyprime Television channels. It gives the children the opportunity to cook different kinds of foods thought by their mothers at home.
Parents are not supposed to guide children on the show. However, once you’re invited to their premises, it’s either you’re going to cry over your child’s eviction or receive award.
Well, the sad Parents had every cause to cry. Considering the Television fame which is going to Vanish in a twinkle of an eye.
Enjoy some more pictures of the sad scene as captured by Joyprime. It was very emotional and Heartbreaking.
we wish the evictees well.
Content created and supplied by: Pen_Sound (via Opera
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