Egypt is on the verge of transforming their country to make it more beautiful and productive. The amazing things Egypt has been doing in the last seven years was only the beginning. As a result of that vision, they have plan to spend 20 trillion dollars to enhance their country by 2050.
Egypt is building 28 new industrial cities across the country. Nation of Pharaohs and the birth of civilization is part of their plans. Egypt will also construct about fifty six new airports in different locations of the country. The construction of 40,000km new highways is part of their plans.
Egypt will reclaim about 15 million acres of land by the year 2050 as well as build seven new capitals. Included in their 20 trillion dollar project is a 3,800km of new Speed Railway, 40 new 4G cities and twelve new harbours across the length and width of the country.
Content created and supplied by: Osheanews (via Opera
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