Actress Benedicta Gafah has spoken the bitter truth that most people seem to ignore in life. She shared a simple but deep message on her Instagram platform after posting a beautiful picture of herself in her boutique.
According to Benedicta Gafah, successful uncles, successful siblings, friends, fiancé e.t.c owe you nothing. They choose to help out of their own free will and good heart, so people are to stop feeling entitled and bitter about an uncle’s, sibling’s or friend’s success and what the person should have done for you and hasn’t done it yet. They didn’t make their money for you. They equally have goals they would love to attain. If you really need support put God first ,learn from them, start working, manage the little you have well and approach them about your vision and see if they wouldn’t put in the effort to support you.
She added that, this was her mindset while growing up. And she is proud of herself today. Finally ended the post with the question; what are you doing for yourself?
Do you agree with her or you have a different views?
Below is the link to see the post.
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