AshantiGold coach Thomas Duah has revealed that he has no idea of what he has done for him to be banned by the Ghana Football Association. Appearing on Kessben TV this morning, the embattled coach emphasized on why he should not be serving ban in relation to the sanctions imposed on AshantiGold for playing a match of convenience with Inter Allies last year.
“I don’t know why I have been banned. I have no idea of what happened. Nothing was explained on the paper that I received from the Ghana Football Association.”
Coach Thomas Duah detailed what went on the day that the match was played, his role as a coach and the things said to players before the encounter.
“In that game, I only told the players to play well and win so we can go home happy. I did not have any transaction with any one. If not the player who turned and scored an own goal, I did not know anything. Before the game and in the course of the game I knew nothing.”
He pleaded to the football governing body to take a second look at his situation since he had no hands in what ensued between AshantiGold and Inter Allies. He considers hiring a lawyer to pursue his side of the matter buy constrained financially.
Content created and supplied by: Abdul-Jalilu (via Opera
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