A beautiful fair lady who occupies the Deputy communication officer’s position at the NPP Headquarters has fired back at her critics. This happened after she was widely accused as the main reason why John Boadu lost the General Secretary position. According to many, she insulted anybody who was supporting Justin Frimpong Koduah against John Boadu (Screenshots attached below).
One Hamza Yakubu questioned the lady about the outcome of the election in his bid to mock the lady.
” How was market yesterday?” He teased. Jennifer Oforiwaah Queen who was online didn’t spare him. She fired him to the extent of involving his father.
Many people who read Jennifer Oforiwaah Queen’s response admonished her to take it easy because the young asked a harmless and simple question.
Jennifer Oforiwaah Queen was the campaign spokesperson for John Boadu. Her loyalty was unshaken. However, many felt that she stepped on many toes to the disadvantage of John Boadu’s cause.
Check out the thread below.
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