A fertility doctor in Canada who is accused of impregnating women with the wrong sperm fined $15 million dollars. Dr. Norman Barwin A fertility doctor loses his medical license after pleading guilty in court. Seventeen people discovered through DNA testing that Dr. Norman Barwin is their biological father after their families sought his help, according to a press release from the law firm.
More than 80 others do not know the identity of their biological father but learned that Barwin did not use the sperm he was supposed to in their conception. The statement claims that 100 children of patients seen by Barwin do not possess the DNA of their “intended biological father,” 17 who are the biological children of Barwin himself and 83 who do not know the identity of their biological father.
Dan and Davina Dixon tried for years to have a child without success. But after enlisting the help of a fertility doctor, Davina gave birth to a baby girl in 1990. They named her Rebecca. He used his own sperm Made his victims believe he used their sperm. More than 80 family raised children that were theirs but Dr. Norman who fooled them.
For more than two decades, the Dixon family believed Dan was Rebecca’s biological father. But a DNA test taken in her mid-20s revealed Rebecca was actually the offspring of the fertility doctor who had helped the Dixon decades earlier.
When I first found out, I felt disassociated from my body and my face. My world has been turned upside down, Dan Dixon added. Rebecca is our child, but she’s not our child. She is, but she’s not. And that’s why everything is different. Rebecca Dixon and Kat Palmer each took follow-up DNA tests, which confirmed they were half-sisters with the same biological father.
Barwin admitted no wrongdoing as part of friday agreement. He has denied and continues to deny all of the claims, the 74-page document says. In the agreement, Barwin said he chose to settle to avoid spending more time and money fighting the case. If you were to be a victim how will you handle this?
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