A Ghanaian female musician has caused a stir online after she was seen wearing a strange outfit on stage. She seems to be an upcoming female musician because the person who posted her video on social media didn’t even add her name. Watching the screenshots from the video in this article, you can see that this female artist has dyed her hair pink.
She was seen wearing a very short skirt. This short skirt exposed her private parts to the camera and people at the show. Her backside and thighs are clearly visible to the spectators at the event. After coming across this video, some Ghanaians said that some female musicians in Ghana think that they can become famous by showing their private parts while performing their songs on stage.
However, times have proven that quality music promotes female artists more than body exposure. Others after listening to the lady’s song said that they don’t think she is a musician. All they can see is a lady showing off her private parts on stage instead of exhibiting her musical talent.
Check out some of the reactions from some social media users below:
You can also watch the video through the link below:
Content created and supplied by: AmuasiNews89 (via Opera
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