Metro TV’s Good Evening Ghana is one of the hottest political programmes not just on the station but also in Ghana. Though the programme comes off late in the evening, the show still has a lot of viewers who can’t wait to always tune in to watch on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The popularity with Good Evening Ghana can be due to two reasons. First reason is the host and secondly the touchscreen analysis of pertinent issues.
Paul Adom Otchere, the Director at the Ghana Airports Company Limited hosts the programme. Paul is quite good with his analysis though usually it seems to be defending everything of the ruling party. But can we blame him? He holds a political positions and so tries to do their bidding despite trying to stand neutral. Well in a post on the Good Evening Ghana Facebook and Twitter pages, the team led by Paul announced a major achievement for the programme.
The programme’s Twitter handle page has been verified and the team feel this is a major feat to be celebrated. Good Evening Ghana’s twitter page has following of almost 7000. Well, Ghanaians are reacting to this information. Many feel this is nothing to celebrate and call on him to rather be neutral. Others have joined in the celebration.
Check out the celebration song with the link below
Content created and supplied by: Still_Unbeatable (via Opera
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