Good evening readers, I am very happy to be given this opportunity to share my opinion with you that the tax on electronic transactions (E-levy) has succeeded and not failed because some private companies in Ghana pay their employers through mobile money and the charges affect them the most.
I think the reason why the Government just came out to say that the tax on electronic transactions (E-levy) has failed as it generates revenue less than ten (10) percent is because the Ghanaians already said they will not venture to even pay a penny of the tax.
The first time that the tax on electronic transactions (E-levy) was introduced, the Ghanaians did not wait patiently as they went ahead to complain about the tax and even called it by different names.
The charges of the tax on electronic transactions shook the Ghanaians and they made it clear to the government that they will not pay.
The government took advantage of their words and inform the general public that the tax on electronic transactions (E-levy) has failed but according to me, it has not because some private companies pay over one thousand (1,000) employers through mobile mobile and the government will generate more than the expected revenue.
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