The Arise for Ghana demonstration started on a good note in the early hours of yesterday. However, getting to the evening, misunderstandings between the Ghana Police Service and the Protesters resulted in a serious fight where some of the police officers and the protesters got hurt. At a point in time, the protesters started throwing stones at the police and the police also threw tear gas at them.
The whole place became unsafe for civilians. It appears some school children have been using the route that the police clashed with the protesters to their various homes. For these kids to reach their various houses safely, some policemen dedicated their lives to protecting them. Watching the pictures in this article, you can see that the policemen strapped some school children at their backs and others carry the children.
Some Ghanaian after coming across these pictures said that the policemen did well by protecting the children. These children have no idea of what is going on. And it would have been sad if they got hurt as a result of the clash between the Ghana Police Service and the Protesters. God bless these policemen.
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