Ghana is currently facing a lot of problems. Perhaps, the greatest of them being the shot up prices in markets. Another great problem is that of floods. Recently, Accra, the capital city of the nation was trending for severe floods after heavy rainfalls. This time, another major town in the country makes the news for the same reasons.
Obuasi is not usually the town to trend. Nothing major really happens besides it being a mining community. Since the rains started, floods have not been something to worry about in this part of the country till today, the 29th day of June 2022.
In the mid hours of 4pm to 5pm, clouds gathered and let out a heavy downpour. The aftermath of this rainfall caused something unexpected. Major roads have been blocked, houses flooded, among many others. Thankfully, no mention of any grave casualty has been reported besides near drowning experiences for some. See below some pictures.
What is your take on recent floodings in Ghana?
Content created and supplied by: Steve101 (via Opera
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