Socialite Efia Odo has mocked the female friends of Hajia4Real who were at her 30th birthday party saying they spent money to look deformed and that’s crazy of them.
Almost all the ladies who were at the 30th birthday party of Hajia4Real appear to have gone under the knife as it was a battle of a$$ among the ladies who were at the party and Efia Odo has mocked most of them saying they look deformed.
Efia Odo without worrying about what might happen after her comment shake the table most people have been preventing to shake saying it’s crazy of these ladies to spend money on their bodies to look nice only for them to look deformed.
This is something most people have noticed yet don’t want to talk about it but Efia Odo not caring about what they think or say to her has let it out making them realize that it’s crazy of them to spend money on themselves with the aim of being beautiful only for them to look deformed.
post below;
Source: ghgossip