Honourable Dorcas Affo-Toffey is indeed a woman that has availed herself to help Ghanaians. She is a kind woman and a strong woman as such. Dorcas Affo-Toffey is in court challenging her eligibility to contest as the Member of Parliament of the Jomoro constituency but she out there undertaking philanthropist work or doing charity.
The beautiful and intelligent woman paid a visit to a boy suffering from leukemia and his parents at the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital yesterday to offer her support.
According to the legislator, she was filled with sadness after visiting the boy and his family at the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital to offer them her support in kind and in cash.
She wrote this on her Facebook platform, ” I was filled with sadness after visiting this child and his family at the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital to offer them my support both in kind and in cash.”
She also didn’t want to reveal what was wrong with the child but she had to because what the child was suffering from needed immediate medical attention.
She said, it saddens me to put this out here but this child needs help. He is suffering from leukemia and he needs medical attention. Dorcas Affo-Toffey in his own way offered her her support.
The Member or Parliament for the Jomoro Constituency had to meet the the boy and his parents or family, even when she has a very crucial case in court that can take away her position as an MP and can even cause other severe punishment.
She was in the Sekondi High Court earlier this month and she agreed to have an Ivorian nationality and a Ghanaian one as well.
But she claimed to have renounced her Ivorian nationality but when she was asked to bring certificate to proof it she couldn’t offer anything.
The court adjourned the case to July 18th 2022.
Content created and supplied by: Allliveentnews (via Opera
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