Corey did not explain the exact reason why he broke up with his ex-partner. He only explained that both parties mutually agreed to part ways. Is he hiding anything from the ladies? Well, Corey had a good day on the show and he did well not to expose himself to the minutest ridicule. He explained that he hailed from Atlanta Georgia and wanted to grab a date on TV3’s Date Rush show.
In fact, he did not waste his time dancing probably because he might not be too good at dancing. Corey attracted the ladies by managing himself in a more mature way and this worked for him.
He did not struggle to impress the ladies because his wingman was also overly eloquent? Do you think the ladies were interested in him because they stand a chance to travel abroad?
One thing that can not be overlooked is that Corey carried himself well on the stage and preferred to make fewer actions to reduce the chances of getting rejected on the show. He was also too confident to be turned down by any lady. We can only congratulate him for how he mesmerized the contestants to triumphantly leave the stage with a pretty date. Date Rush! Everyone deserves love! What are your thoughts on the ongoing discussion?
Content created and supplied by: JUKELAFRICA (via Opera
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