A medical doctor, who is known as Doctor Penking on social media has made a statement about the female genital organ and this has created an argument online. Most ladies are aware that there are some actions which can cause their clitoris to stop responding but are not aware of what this doctor is saying. Some ladies on social media have no idea. Sometimes, the clitoris stops responding to stimulation and starts to shrink, and it can even disappear. Doctors refer to this as clitoral atrophy.
There are many possible causes of clitoral atrophy, disuse, hormonal changes, and lack of blood flow to the clitoris. However, Dr Penking said that the clitoris can also stop responding and eventually disappear if a lady has not slept with a man for a very long time. He explained that this is caused by the fact that the clitoris starts to shrink with time.
And as the days go by, the clitoris finally disappears. According to him, this is called Clitorial disuse atrophy. As a result of this, he advised ladies who have been saying that men are scams to be serious and find themselves a man to save their clitoris from disappearing. Some social media users after coming across this said that this is serious. This could the reason why some ladies use to say that they don’t feel anything for a man.
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