On Friday,24th June 2022, Onua TV’s Yaa Titi unraveled several issues affecting the country. The TV hostess explained that the Country’s taxes should be judiciously used. She advised that some government officials should not enjoy expensive jets at the expense of unattended projects. She commended the first lady for her economic use of state assets.
Yaa Titi also expressed her displeasure on how incessant floods have not been curbed in the country? She showed videos of how the flooding situation has affected the citizenry.
Many Ghanaians have reacted to the issues. Some social media users have advised that Ghana should learn from Qatar, which has resolved its flooding issues by employing the use of many underground tanks.
Ignatius Yankey also stated that, apart from Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, no government has considered the fact that the population would double. Ignatius also stated that the current government officials are only thinking about their pockets and pleaded that the bad infrastructure should be resolved by the leaders as soon as possible.
Yaw Oduro Nti also indicated that the country needs a leader who can reassure that the Ghanaian people are free forever. He advised that the leaders in the country should properly utilize the natural resources to the benefit of all.
Manso Annan-Bernard explained that the politicians use the identified problems facing the country to borrow millions of dollars and divert them into the payment of allowances. Manso also revealed that 80% of government revenue is used to pay allowances and salaries. He advised that the country can not develop until it puts an end to that trend.
The climax of the reactions was when Lawer Adjei asked if this is the better Ghana that they promised?
What are your thoughts on the ongoing discussion? How do you think the incessant flooding issues can be curbed?
Kindly watch the video on:https://fb.watch/dRfs9zAVXD/
Content created and supplied by: JUKELAFRICA (via Opera
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