Paul Adom Otchere is a popular journalist in Ghana. His show on Metro TV, Good Evening Ghana , has remained relevant for the past twenty years.
According to Paul Adom Otchere, he was disappointed in Boakye Agyarko for some comments that Boakye made on a radio station to tarnish the image of the President of Ghana.
Paul Adom Otchere made reference to the fact that Boakye Agyarko said he does not trust the President any more. According to Paul, Ghanaians can not blame Boakye Agyarko because he knows the President for more than 47years.
Paul explained that the NPP lost the elections to the Late Atta Mills when 17 candidates contested for the party’s flagbearership. He explained that too many dissenting views affect the party negatively.
Paul also mentioned that Ghanaians want to know what Boakye Agyarko can do for the country but it is not right for him to tell the country that he does not trust Nana Akuffo-Addo. Paul exclaimed,”So what should Ghanaians do? ”
Paul also explained that Ghanaians rather expect Boakye Agyarko to talk about his view about education, energy , digital migration, legal reforms and health issues.
Paul Adom Otchere also said that what Boakye Agyarko has said would not change anything.
He further added that some politicians are now looking for positions but they did not want their party to win power. It is not clear what Paul meant by that.
What are your thoughts on the ongoing discussion?
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