A man known as Baba Moro got married to his wife called Moda in 2014 and they have given birth to four children. The man shares that they never had peace in the marriage, his wife always accused him that his mother has helped him to date another woman. He has explained this to Moda but still, she continued to insult him whenever he is in the house.
Baba Moro continued that he becomes sad whenever he closed from work and has to go home. According to the man he got drunk one night but his wife took their wedding ring from his finger together with her own, put it in the water closet and flushed it. The man revealed that he has not been sleeping with his wife for the past five years because of how she used to insult him whenever they had a misunderstanding.
Moda too said her husband beats her and she even got bruises on her body when they were in a relationship, she then decided not to continue with the relationship. She travelled to Accra to work for five years but the man came to plead with her with some elders. She accepted his apology and they got married. A few months after their marriage, she found out that her husband is in a relationship with his uncle’s daughter named Anapo.
Moda claimed that her clothes used to get missing whenever she travelled. One day, her daughter revealed to her that their father has been sleeping with another woman in their room when she travels. She then packed all her belongings and came to stay with her husband but still, her husband continued to go out with Anapo.
The woman said her husband stopped sleeping with her when she was pregnant with their last child who is now five years but they are still staying in the same room. One day her mother-in-law revealed to her that she will allow her son to marry Anapo, and she too fought with her in-laws because of this issue, but her husband then told her that he has another wife so she can leave his house.
According to the mother-in-law, when Moda asked her about the relationship between her husband and Anapo, she explained to her that there is no relationship between them, she even told her that they are from the same family. But still, her daughter-in-law always insults her for getting another woman for Baba Moro.
Content created and supplied by: Ccobbina (via Opera
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