The President of the United States of America, Joe Biden has revealed the big lesson from his dad as he celebrates father’s on this special day.
According to Joe Biden in a tweet, his father taught him that there is nothing bigger than family and that there is nothing more in life than being a good parent.
President Joe Biden noted “My father taught me that there is no higher calling than being a good parent — and that family is the beginning, middle, and end.”
the occasion to wish all father’s a Happy’s father’s day. He stated “Father’s Day to the dads, pops, and father figures out there — and to the families that love them.”
That is a good lesson a father could teach his wards a responsible parenting help to shape the children in a positive direction whereas irresponsible parents don’t help children in any way.
Happy father’s day to all dad’s.
Content created and supplied by: Lawrinda (via Opera
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