Sunny and cloudy weather conditions alternate throughout today, 20th of June, 2022. This is according to the Ghana Meteorological Agency’s report released this morning in the conditions of the weather across the country.
The agency updates that there is likely that many parts of the country this morning will experience cloudy conditions in the early hours.
Further, partly the entire country will see cloudiness.
Below cities in the southern sector will experience heavy cloudiness: Thus, Accra, Aflao, Cape Coast, Ho, Kasoa, Takoradi, Axim, Akim Od, Koforidua, Obuasi, Sunyani, Techiman, Sehwi Bekwai, Goaso, Kintampo and its immediate environs.
This conditions take the average temperature of the south to 23 degrees.
Progressively, from noon to late afternoon will see southern Ghana experiencing heavy thunderstorms with rains in certain areas.
In the evening around same southern cities are bound to enjoy the initial cloudiness seen in the morning.
More to this, part in the middle of Ghana which covers important areas is expected to change with sunny conditions and later in the evening with both TSRA and cloudiness.
Plus, in as much as the Northern Ghana will experience cloudiness earlier today, it is likely that sunny weather conditions will take over the day. However, this conditions is subjected to changes in the evening with cloudiness being the condition.
This leaves the average temperature in the evening at the north 26 degrees.
Intermittent thunderstorms with rains, sunny etc is likely to occur at Yendi, Bole, Bolgatanga, Tamale, Wa, Nalerigu etc.
The roughness of the sea remains. It was issued at 0500 UTC.
The public is hereby with this information cautioned to be aware of any unforeseen mishaps that the weather may come with.
Source: (GhanaMeteo)
Content created and supplied by: Osafo Boamah (via Opera
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