These are the behaviours that make God love you.
1. Praying
God loves people who pray. People who pray for God’s guidance and protection. It is believed that people who pray every day have a special place in heaven.
2. Honest
God loves people who are truthful and sincere. People who love to speak the truth, even if it might kill them.
3. Faith.
God loves people who trust and have confidence in him. People who strongly believe in him. People who put God first before anything else.
4. Kind person.
God loves people who like to help others in times of difficulty. He loves people who show love to other people. People who care about other people’s feelings
5. Humble
God loves people who humble themselves. People who are respectful For example, a rich but humble person. No matter how super rich you are, if you humble yourself, God is going to love you forever here and in the afterlife.
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