Movie critic and enthusiast Ola Michael says he never expected the abysmal performance of Veteran actor David Dontoh and the entire National Film Authority. He further expressed his total disappointment in David Dontoh.
” David Dontoh is a disaster, a disappointment, clueless and a time waster. He is simply incompetent on the job given to him. likes of David Dontoh is the reason why government was shouting that they have the men, then I’m sorry we must leave the film industry for children to rule. They can even do better ” Ola Michael said in a distasteful manner.
He vented his anger during an exclusive interview on Power FM. David Dontoh is currently working with the National Film Authority created by the current government.
Ola Michael is also of the view that the National Film Authority which involves David Dontoh has outlived it’s usefulness and must be critically examined.
You can click on the link below to watch Ola Michael decending heavily on David Dontoh.
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